The Unlimited Spanish Podcast +10M downloads!
#302 Los Enchufes en España
301 Una de mascotas – Animales de compañía en España
300 – 300 episodios de Unlimited Spanish y mini-historia especial
299-El Día de la Hispanidad – 2022
#298 Errores y progreso en el aprendizaje del español
#297: Ironía, sarcasmo y cinismo. Diferencias
296 Cómo evitar la frustración al aprender español
295 La subida del precio de la energía
294 La batalla de los tomates – La Tomatina
Where can you listen to the Unlimited Spanish Podcast?
The Unlimited Spanish Podcast helps you practice your listening and speaking skills! The podcast is recorded in Spanish with high quality audio and clear pronunciation.
You will learn about the Spanish culture and the language itself. You will also improve your Spanish with short stories (mini-stories and point of view). Also, there is transcript in pdf format for each episode.
Start practicing your Spanish with Oscar’s podcast here on the Unlimited Spanish website, or click to subscribe on iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud and much more: