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#010: Quedar. Como aprendí inglés (II)

Welcome to a new episode of Unlimited Spanish Podcast: The best way to learn about Spanish, culture and practice your listening for free!

Este es el podcast de Unlimited Spanish, con Òscar. Episodio 10.

En este episodio del podcast de Unlimited Spanish:

  • La palabra “quedar”
  • A continuación un punto de vista para practicar
  • ¡Y por último, como aprendí inglés, parte 2!

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You can download this episode full transcript (PDF) here.

You can download the audio (MP3) here.


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Learn how to speak without mentally translating. If you learned some Spanish in high school, or you have a basic level, but still you can’t speak, this course is just for you

“In school most people learn Spanish by memorising and being focused on grammar, but when they have to speak, nothing comes out. That’s my situation, but as I am learning with Oscar’s lessons, I am enjoying the process, and actually, I understand real spoken Spanish more and more, and now little words of Spanish are popping up into my head. This method is much powerful, much faster and it’s the way to learn Spanish when you really want to speak it.” AJ Hoge,

“Unlimited Spanish are audio courses where native speaker Òscar simulates conversations, with cues for you to interact with him. It is among the best I’ve seen for simulating a real conversation from pre-recorded audio. For those of you who are also visual learners, you’ll be able to read along through transcripts of the audio.” Benny Lewis,

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  1. sameer s

    Acababa de escuchar su podcast, hace 2-3 días… ! Hablo inglés en nativo. En este episodio, usaste a expresión, “asi que di …” (asi que di mi siguiente paso.) Me podrías explicar el significado de “asi que di”? Parece me algo como, “and so I am at my next point in this story,” pero he nunca visto la frase “asi que di…” Cuál es el sentido exacto? Gracias!

    • Òscar Òscar

      Sí, ese es el significado. También algo así como “I took the next step”. Se utiliza bastante en español.

  2. Audrey

    Muchas gracias por tus podcasts muy interesante. Es facíl de entender lo que dices. Me gusta poder seguir el podcast con la transcripción, de esta manera, puedo aprender come se escribe varias palabras.

    • Òscar Òscar

      Sí, la transcripción es muy útil. 🙂

  3. Peter Marsh

    How refreshing to hear an instructor “admit” that it actually took him 2 years and over a 1,000 hours of listening and reading before he could start to be proficient speaking Spanish. It was hard work, but with passion and perseverance, he could do it.
    I get tired, listening to others who claim that with their course and 20-30 minutes practice each day, you can be speaking in 3 months.
    Thank you Oscar, I am really enjoying your well constructed, varied and very useful podcasts.

  4. Agnieszka

    Vivo con mi familia en España desde hace un año. Todos aprendemos español, los niños en la escuela y yo aprendo donde puedo. Me gusta mucho tu método de aprendizaje. Escucho mucho, también por la noche antes de dormirme, lo que me relaja 🙂 ¡Muchas gracias!

  5. Aine Niloidean

    Hola Oscar, I just want to write and say thank you. Your teaching methods are amazing. I can see you understand the problems students face when trying to learn a language. Just like you, I did a two year course, understood grammer perfectly but at the end I could not speak a word of spanish (actually it affected my confidence in speaking). With your course not only do I learn the language, I get to learn about the spanish culture, the little things, one would not normally get to learn about.
    The most beneficial thing for me is your mini stories, it encourages me to speak out loud and to try and think in spanish. Thank you so much Oscar and continued success. Aine

    • Óscar

      Glad it helps! Thanks for sharing, Aine.


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