Unlimited Spanish

Helping you speak Spanish since 2013.

#061: Parentesco II

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En este episodio:

  • Vamos a acabar el tema del parentesco. En el episodio anterior introduje el tema. En este voy a ampliar un poco más la relación entre los diferentes miembros de una familia.
  • A continuación, a través de una lección de punto de vista, vamos a practicar la primera y tercera persona en presente de manera intuitiva. También practicaremos el vocabulario de hoy.


  • Audio en mp3 (click derecho en ratón y guardar)
  • Transcripción del episodio en pdf (click derecho en ratón y guardar)

Material recomendado:

“In school most people learn Spanish by memorising and being focused on grammar, but when they have to speak, nothing comes out. That’s my situation, but as I am learning with Oscar’s lessons, I am enjoying the process, and actually, I understand real spoken Spanish more and more, and now little words of Spanish are popping up into my head. This method is much powerful, much faster and it’s the way to learn Spanish when you really want to speak it.” AJ Hoge,

“Unlimited Spanish are audio courses where native speaker Òscar simulates conversations, with cues for you to interact with him. It is among the best I’ve seen for simulating a real conversation from pre-recorded audio. For those of you who are also visual learners, you’ll be able to read along through transcripts of the audio.” Benny Lewis,

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